Building Connections, Enriching Lives

Welcome to Hapeville First United Methodist Church, where we are dedicated to fostering lasting connections, diverse experiences, and profound spiritual growth in the heart of our local community. Join us in our mission to bring our community closer to faith and to each other.

Our mission at Hapeville First United Methodist Church is to create a welcoming and nurturing environment for people from all walks of life. We encourage spiritual growth and connection through worship, service, and outreach, always grounded in our core values of love, respect, and inclusivity.

Hapeville First United Methodist Church

Upcoming Events

Hapeville First United Methodist Church

The Importance of Community in Our Spiritual Walk

At Hapeville First United Methodist Church, we believe that a strong spiritual community helps individuals grow in their faith, find support in times of need, and discover their unique gifts and talents. We offer various ministries, groups, and activities that cater to a diverse set of interests and age groups.

We recognize the beauty and value of different cultures and traditions within our community. Our congregation actively celebrates this diversity through multicultural events, music, and educational programs, encouraging everyone to share their unique heritage and learn from one another.